When Email Marketing Is Not Enough

Computers & TechnologyEmail

  • Author Harry Peter
  • Published October 1, 2008
  • Word count 668

If you have already entered the world of email marketing you likely already realize the potential this type of marketing has to offer. However, you also likely realize it is not reasonable to expect your business to thrive if email marketing is the only marketing strategy you choose to utilize. This is not unusual as most businesses do not typically have a great deal of success unless they make the decision to incorporate more than one type of marketing into their overall marketing strategy. This article will examine a few other types of Internet marketing which may be used in conjunction with email marketing.

Email marketing in itself can be multi faceted. It may include sending out mass emails, distributing e-newsletters and even offering correspondence courses via email. Implementing only one of these email marketing strategies may resulting a small increase in either website traffic or sales but implementing more than one strategy at a time can create a more pronounced effect.

Similarly it is definitely worthwhile to incorporate other types of Internet marketing into promoting your business online if you are not already doing so. This can help you to enjoy a greater degree of success if you apply the strategies correctly. Some of the other types of marketing strategies you may wish to employ include placing banner ads, participating in industry related message boards and starting an affiliate program.

Of the other types of Internet marketing available, placing banner ads may be the most expensive option. In many cases your business will have to pay another website for the privilege of placing your banner ad on their website. Choosing a website which sells products which complement, without competing, for your business is worthwhile. However, there are some free options for banner ads including exchanges. However, you may be required to place more than one banner ad on your website for each time your banner ad appears on another lineup. Additionally, with this type of agreement you may not be able to control the type of website which displays your banner ad. For this reason it is worthwhile to pay for ad space so you can have more control over where your banner ads are displayed.

Participating in industry related forums can be another way to promote your business online. Message boards are online meeting places where individuals who share an interest can get together to discuss their interests as well as pertinent issues. They can also ask and answer questions. Most message boards allow users to place a link to their website in their signature line. If you regularly participate on an industry related message board and include a signature line with a link to your website you can reach a high concentration of members of your target audience. When using message boards to promote your business it is important to follow all message board guidelines and to avoid techniques which may be deemed as spam such as posting your link when it is not appropriate.

Affiliate marketing programs are another type of online marketing which can be used in conjunction with email marketing. Affiliate marketing involves allowing website owners to place advertisements for your business on their website. These website owners are known as affiliates. Each time one of their advertisements causes an Internet user to click through the advertisement or purchase an item the affiliate is compensated. This compensation schedule makes affiliate marketing incredibly cost effective. Essentially you do not pay your affiliates unless the advertising generates a specific reaction form Internet users such as making a purchase or generating website traffic. The amount of compensation should be determined beforehand and may be based on a flat fee or a percentage of the sale. Business owners have to embed code into the affiliate ads to determine which ads are generating profit or traffic so they know which affiliates to compensate but this information is also useful for determining which advertisements are most effective. This information can be used to fine tune the marketing effort.

Harry Peter is a well known article writer for online marketing. Currently, he is writing on Hwuy Directory and Delimitek Directory

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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