The Success Mindset Vol. 2


  • Author Keith Londrie
  • Published December 18, 2006
  • Word count 737

If you've read my previous article you learned some very useful tools that I hope you'll continue to utilize throughout your lifetime. I myself daily perform these three simple tasks, and I've reaped much benefit from my practices. In case you didn't catch that article I spoke about three simple steps you can use every day.

Simply, they are relax, review, and set realistic goals. After you've mastered those three simple steps, you're ready to start programming your mind for success. Most people are conditioned at a young age to fail, and very few are naturally inclined to be successful. When I speak of success I mean wealthy in more areas that just financially.

Most people subconsciously block out success whenever they can. You might not even know how many times you have missed an opportunity because your subconscious either does not see the value as you consciously do, or you have been wired to fail. No worries, all that can change with a little hard work and repetition.

During the ages of young child to our pre teen years our brain goes through a pruning stage. Like a sponge it collects information, and discards useless data. In these precious years is when we are wired, either positively or negatively. In most cases each person has a few different neural mapping in their brain that provides different mindsets for different situations; however one thing is common amongst most people: your comfort zone.

There are a few key factors to building a success mindset. One is getting rid of that nasty comfort zone that holds you back constantly. People naturally enjoy comfort, but oddly enough our desire for comfort subconsciously makes us uncomfortable. The way we relate comfort to our subconscious brain is by ?stillness, non-moving, non-changing.? Because still is safe, according to your subconscious, not changing is the best way to go.

This is why it's so hard for many people to change old habits. Not anymore I say Following I will outline for you some ways to break those chains of nueral maps inside your brain that have littereally wired you in the wrong direction! How would you like to have freedom from worry, or give up that bad eating habit, or finally go on that hike you?ve been planning? With these simple steps you can achieve anything you want, beyond your wildest dreams.

The secret is to start small. Every time you plan anything in your head, it could be something simple like doing the dishes. Let's say Sally is going to go do her dishes, but suddenly feels like watching TV. She ends up leaving them in the sink for another day, and does them the next day. Her brain is wired to constantly fail, so when she had an impulse to clean, her brain denied her the proper motivating emotions to follow through.

These types of tragic habits are sneaky, because they're difficult to notice. That?s why deep relaxation, reflection, and simple goal setting is the first step to freedom. When you catch yourself failing a goal, just understand the effect it will have and compensate by creating an alternative. That way your brain always finds a way to fire neurons down the pathways of success, instead of failure.

For example, you want to watch a football game, but something comes up and you have to assist a friend. Set up a VCR so the original intentions you have aren't fired down the nueral pathways of failure. Finding an alternative goal to complete is also a viable means of resisting that urge to stay in your comfort zone.

Hopefully your catching on to the idea by now, it is simple in concept yet very hard to achieve in practice. But it is the little things you do every day for the next few months that can change your life forever. The next step besides moderate goal setting and preventing your brain from wiring unsuccessful pathways, is overcoming the boundaries of your comfort zone.

It is that little box that we all hide in, away from everyone else. Even if you are an outgoing and social person, everyone has a comfort zone. It?s time for you to start poking at the barriers, and make sure to record all events in your now changing life in your journal!

Be sure to read more about the comfort zone in the Success Mindset part 3!

Keith Londrie II is a successful Webmaster and the owner and publisher of A website that specializes in providing tips on how to REALLY make money online that you can research on the internet in your pajamas from the comfort of your own home. Visit today!

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