This Email Promotion Worked So Well George Bush Wants To Use It In the Next Election.

Computers & TechnologyEmail

  • Author Justin Boyce
  • Published February 8, 2007
  • Word count 852

In order to make money online with email promotions you need first of all to have those who receive them open them, if they are just automatically deleted then all the work of writing and sending them out as been for no avail.

Develop a mindset for writing email promo's

The very first thing you need to do is develop a mindset for writing great email promotions because of the way the human mind is wired the quickest way to develop this mindset is to copy successful well written promo's in your own hand writing over and over again into an exercise book. This will cause your brain to create the necessary synapses. The more often you do this the less effort and ease with which you will be able to write your own promotion will become.

In order to get good at writing email promotions you have to practice, it can be compared to learning how to ride a bike, you can read all the books you like but until you get actually get on a bike and ride it, do you actually get any good at it.

The most important part of any email promo is the subject line.

If your subject line does not arouse the curiosity of your reader then chances are its headed for the deletion scrap bin. Write blind subject lines. Blind means telling people what your email is about or will teach them but without giving away the contents. Don't give away the contents of your email in your subject line if your reader doesn’t have to open your email to see what the contents are about then they wont.

Here is an example of a blind subject line

An easy to implement trick for increasing your subject line results.

All your reader knows is they are going to get told a trick to do with subject lines what that trick is they have no idea. Now if they have come to read your email because they have signed up to learn about internet marketing then they will be interested in learning about using subject lines and email marketing. Keep your email's content relevant to the source your readers came from. Don't offer people dog breeding tips that have signed up to receive a newsletter on classic cars.

Increasing your open rates even more.

People have less time to read emails these days, most people receive hundreds a day and will only open the ones that have some benefit for them or arouse their curiosity. A very powerful way to increase your email open rates is by using subject lines that promise a benefit to your reader but without actually telling them what it is.

Example of a benefit driven subject line.

How to increase your income by fifty percent in less than 24 hours.


  • Always keep your email tightly focused and on one subject.

  • Ask our self would I care about this information.

  • Chances are your reader doesn't care about what you did over the weekend or how long it took you to write this promotion. So write your emails with a single goal and structure your format to achieve that goal.

  • Have a good basic outline structure to follow

  • Who are you?

  • What do your subscribers want?

  • Why they should care about what you have to say?

  • What they will get from your promotion?

  • What action do they need to take.

You must have your own domain name

It is really unprofessional looking to have affiliate urls that are extremely long. Also you will want to be able to write your own sales copy and be able to harvest the subscriber's email address instead of providing it free for the affiliate program owner.

Once you have your own domain you can use a php redirect tool to change what shows at the affiliate link in your email promotions. This achieves two purposes.

It makes your email look more professional

Your subscribers can't drop the affiliate id off the end of the url as they can't see the url till they have reached the site. This alone will lead to increased sales of at least fifty percent.

Structure your email and set goals for what you want to achieve before you even write a single word. Have a single goal for each email you write if you give too many choices the probability is your reader will do none of them.

Keep your email tightly focused don't go off on tangents and start talking about what you did over the weekend or anything else about your personal life.

Get to the benefits of what you have that will help your reader. Answer your readers question as quickly as possible what's in it for me to read this email.

Last and not least don't over use your readers name

Personalizing your emails by adding your subscribers name as a field is good but don't over do it as it will look fake and your readers will pick up on it. The reason to use a persons name is to make your email sound conversational.

Justin Boyce is the director of the Million Dollar Blueprint a highly acclaimed course that develops skills at numberous aspects of profiteering with an online business. He is also the editor of the Work from Home business guide. One of the most promiment websites for its keyphrases in the search results regardless of locality

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