Six Tips on How to Recognize Any Internet Scam


  • Author Kenny Anderson
  • Published May 12, 2006
  • Word count 952

About a month ago I published an article on how to avoid home based business scams. We have also done the research and my website cited at the end of this article presents home based online opportunities, that have been thoroughly research in terms of their legitimacy. Nevertheless, in spite of these efforts and the efforts of others, the internet continues to be bombarded with false opportunities that convey false hope to so many, who truly want to start and succeed in their own home based business.

So, I have decided to provide some additional tips and information that can assist you in recognizing most Internet scams.

All of us know instinctively that all those too good to be true solicitation e-mails and ads you see in the margins of high traffic websites for making thousands of dollars a week with no effort through a home based internet business can’t be for real. Yet there are still thousands upon thousands of people every year whose dreams of easy cash, early retirement and free living override their common sense and encourage them to invest in these home business scams. That’s why we’re offering a few simple tips for avoiding home business scams that can ultimately save you a lot of money, not to mention heartache and frustration.

The most obvious way to avoid home business scams is to do your homework. For every home business scam floating around out there in cyberspace, there is someone who’s tried it and ended up bitter and disgruntled when they never received the tens of thousands of dollars in easy money they were promised. There are entire websites and blogs dedicated to exposing these fraudulent home business opportunities and providing tips for avoiding home business scams like it so that no one else ends up getting ripped off by crappy snake oil that doesn’t really work. So when one of these promising opportunities comes through your inbox and you get that little urge inside to give it a try, do a Google search for a few of the key phrases or the main concept and see what others who have already paid the entry fee to try it have to say about the opportunity. Try to look for testimonials on third party objective websites. It’s not a good idea to believe the testimonials on the websites of the opportunities themselves.

There are a multitude of resources all over the Internet that list which opportunities are scams and which ones have real income potential.

Here are six tips to recognize any scam. One needs to run through this checklist every time they consider an endeavor. These are things you will want to avoid.

  1. Any deal you do not completely understand. The big print might make absolute sense or get your attention. It is the fine print that will be the determining factor though. If you actually read the fine print you might be losing more than gaining. The more important your deal the more important it is for you to read and understand the terms. Ask multiple questions and get legal help if need be.

  2. Any deal requiring multitudes of money up front. Don’t spend all at once. Make sure you will get what you pay for. You want to be sure that the golden egg in that basket is real before the scammer has your cash.

  3. Any deal you are asked to do in a hurry or under the pressure of time. Time should not be important when making a business deal. Both parties will want to be sure they know exactly what they are getting into. If someone is trying to rush you in making up you mind it is because they don’t want to give you time to realize it is a scam.

  4. Any deals with people or companies you have never heard of or know. The best reference is that if you have no clue whom you are dealing with you shouldn’t find out. Let people know that you will be checking out their business and background. This will keep them from being able to lie to you. Make sure you follow through and find out all you can.

  5. Any deal that you are being manipulated or schmoozed into. If some one is trying to bully you, charm you to death, or anything else. Make sure to tell them you know what they are doing and walk away.

  6. Any deal set up to look like a pyramid scheme. These scams are made to look like legitimate MLM and network marketing business but are illegal. The earlier people in the plan get paid with money taken from the new people. These companies have you spend thousands of dollars up front and claim you will be raking in the money in weeks.

Truly the best of the best tips for avoiding home business scams we can offer is to listen to the little voice inside you. If that voice is telling you the scam’s promises are too good to be true, then listen to that voice, because it’s probably entirely correct!

Remember, most people would love to get rich quick. Some people do get rich quick, but not many. Most of us will become financially independent over a period of time and after much sacrifice and hard work. The good news here is that you can be successful in your legitimate home-based business. It is not a question of if you will, just when.

So if the opportunity that comes to you sounds to good to be true, then it probably is. Follow these tips and you will avoid the scams.

Warm regards,

Kenny Anderson

Mr. Kenny Anderson is a Principal at Tiger Trade, LLC a subsidiary of Goeins-Williams Associates, Inc. of Wilmington, DE and Aurora, CO. A graduate of the United States Naval Academy

at Annapolis, MD, Kenny is a “Netpreneur” currently marketing and managing a number of successful home based affiliate programs.

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