Author's articles

Myths and Misconceptions about Saving Energy at Home
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
In spite of rapidly increasing bills, many people are still spending more than they need to on their utilities. More often than not, this is due to careless habits and a number of common myths ...
Why Energy Suppliers Are Competing to Offer the Longest Fixed-Rate Tariff
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
With summer coming to an end, a few things are to be expected: cooler temperatures, more jackets, and falling leaves. What the end of summer also means, however, is that energy prices are likely to ...
The Importance of Doing a Gas Price Comparison
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
In the UK, gas is rapidly becoming one of the most preferred energy sources for heating. Natural gas is an energy efficient heating source and the only clean fossil fuel. Prices on gas heating can ...
Gas Prices Comparison
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
The cost of energy has become a major part of household expenditures in the UK, and a gas prices comparison reveals that the price you will pay for gas depends on many factors, including where ...
Amazing Solar Energy Facts
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
Humans have recognized and utilized the power of the sun for a long long time, but it is only in the last thirty years or so that solar energy has come to the forefront of ...
What You Need to Know about Contacting Your Provider of Motorbike Insurance When Your Bike Is Stolen
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
While no one wants to believe that someone would steal their bike, the fact is that this unfortunate type of event occurs all of the time. Even if you take as many precautions as possible, ...
Using the Internet to Find Lower Cost Motorcycle Insurance
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
In an effort to find better coverage options on motorcycle insurance at a lower cost, many riders are turning to the internet. There is a wide range of services available to compare policies and deliver ...
Top 5 Things to Consider When Making a University Loan Comparison
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
With the cost of education higher than ever, it's commonplace for people in the United Kingdom and elsewhere to rely on educational loans to pay for their classes. These loans can have a severe effect ...
Sources of Quick Loans
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
If you have a poor credit profile and are facing a situation where you need to obtain funds quickly, your options may be limited. You are unlikely to achieve approval for a conventional bank loan, ...
Help for Repaying Quick Loans
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
Quick loans are intended to provide short-term funding for emergency situations, such as an unexpected car breakdown. They are not intended to serve as long-term financial solutions. As such, quick loans typically have very short ...
Is Paid Credit Card Payment Protection Only For Those That Don't Need It?
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
It's the quandary that people in debt face every day: How do I spend as little as possible on debt and still manage my risk? Lenders might offer a person taking out a credit card ...
Using an APR Calculator for Auto Purchase Decisions
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
Buying a new car can be exciting. However, the value of a car depreciates beginning with the moment you drive it off the lot. As a result, if you purchase a car with unfavorable financing ...
Using a Personal Loans Calculator to Work out Whether It's Worth Refinancing or Not
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
If your bank is charging you a high rate of interest on your personal loan, you may want to consider refinancing. There are plenty of lenders around offering attractive deals, so it could be possible ...
The Business Credit Card Summary Box
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
When you are looking for a great business credit card for your purchases, you want to be sure to get one that will benefit your business. In order to discover the best one, you will ...
Comparing the Tesco Credit Card Options
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
Tesco is the leading retailer in the UK, and it is one of the largest retailers in the world. Along with its wide selection of merchandise and services, Tesco offers several different consumer credit card ...
Avoid Making These Mistakes With Your Capital One Card
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
A Capital One card is a safe and convenient way to pay for everyday purchases, often while getting cash back and other rewards for every pound you spend on the card. However, careless use of ...
What You Need to Know About Government Christmas Benefit Payments
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
If you are receiving government assistance under specific schemes, you will be eligible for a yearly Christmas benefit payment, also called a Christmas bonus. While this payment isn't huge, it might come in handy. Your ...
How is Your Credit Rating Determined?
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
If you have recently conducted a credit rating check and found that you have a poor or average credit score, you might wonder how your credit rating is calculated. It can be difficult for many ...
How You Can Benefit from Black Box Insurance
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
Most young people know that finding car insurance--and more importantly, finding a way to pay for your car insurance--isn't an easy task. Inexperienced drivers can seem like a liability to insurance providers because you haven't ...
How Cars Get Classified as Group 1 For Insurance
By Laura Ginn · 10 years ago
In the United Kingdom, every single car manufactured for the market is placed into an insurance group. There is, however one slight exception to the rule. Kit cars, converted cars, imported cars, and modified cars ...