Abortion: the Murderer of the Unborn


  • Author Emma Fox
  • Published June 11, 2010
  • Word count 499

To end life is a sin to both God and man.

Murderers have always been on top of the list to receive heavy punishment from the law. In most countries they are either placed under life imprisonment or death sentence. Killing has always been considered, stated both in the bible and in the laws of man, as something unforgivable with the exception of self-defense (considered a preservation of life). It is most unfortunate, however, that no matter how we try to ensure the punishment of those who take life away, doctors and women who allow abortion, are able to walk the streets freely without a care in the world.

What is to being presented here is an issue that should be given proper attention more so than ever before not just because of what the church says but because of humane reason: "Why allow abortion?" It is a shock that even people finder systems justify it as troubling since some women who have gone under unwanted pregnancies had given up their babies for adoption while most had undergone this type of murder.

Yes, it is a murder: taking away of life before it could even get to experience the warmth of the sun or the coolness of the breeze. The babe inside the womb is considered an innocent. Abortion then is a thief to its rights.

The New York Times, a publication well known for being pro-abortion, has released their praises on pro-life activist in their news feature which also included the pictures of babies who are victims of abortion. This was their tribute to the death of pro-life activist Jim Pouillon who was murdered--shot as he was holding an anti-abortion sign outside a high school.

In the said article, pictures displayed are those of aborted babies who were taken by an activist group where Pouillon was part of. The said fetuses were gathered from the dump site of an abortion clinic. Pictures are taken as proof of how cruel this procedure is.

In recent statistics report, abortion is said to have declined, reaching the lowest level since 1974. 2005 marked the year where US has shown 19.4 percent or women, who have had unwanted pregnancy, undergo it. In every 10 women who are having unwanted pregnancy, 2 are getting an abortion. This number doesn’t include those who had a miscarriage. And despite the decrease in number this is still considered troubling; there is still the need for more effort from the public to make a move in putting a stop to it.

Pouillon died as a martyr. In his death was an awakening of other activist like him as their will to fight was burning more than ever before. This is for our future’s rights: to live and seize the opportunity to deliver its purpose for being conceived. Even people finder shows this as a means of stashing away the unborn babe’s chance which is against man most especially against God. Abortion thus is both a thief and a murderer.

Emma G. Fox is a freelance writer, with experiences working as a marketing executive in a leading authority on the web when it comes to conducting background check and especially using the people finder services, with the largest database consisting of over 26 billion government records is provided.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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