5 Basic Tips To Manage Stress

Self-ImprovementStress Management

  • Author Adrian Hall
  • Published October 12, 2010
  • Word count 630

Despite popular opinion, stress is not intrinsically harmful. It's really excessive stress that is harmful. Stress is often very useful. It can be an agent for change. It can aid you in maintaining focus on the task in hand. In some cases it can even save your life.

The danger comes when this stress builds up over time, resulting in major risks and, in extreme cases, may sometimes be fatal.

These are a few of the tips you may find useful in managing your stress.

  1. Identify Your Main Stressor

The first step you need to take is to identify and understand the main cause of your stress. By recognizing your main stressor, you can focus on it and plan how you will deal with it so that it will no longer be a problem for you. This simple action is usually enough to reduce your stress levels significantly.

  1. Breathing And Relaxing

Of course everyone is aware that oxygen is essential to the body, but it's very easy to overlook the benefits of deep breathing. Taking a deep breath adds oxygen to the system, which will automatically help you relax. Learning how to breathe properly can help you maintain your self-control in a stressful situation.

Start by taking a deep lungful of air, then stand up and stretch. Drink a glass of water as sometimes even a slight dehydration can lead to elevated levels of stress.

Then try one the following:

  • Take a short walk

  • Read a favorite book

  • Take a long, warm bath

  • Watch your favorite show on TV

  • Listen to a relaxing music or recordings of nature sounds

  • Take a moment to remember a pleasant situation

You will find that after a short break your problem will not seem so overwhelming.

  1. Make Sure You Remain Positive And Enjoy The Good Things In Life

It's often easy to forget that you need to find time to enjoy the good things in life. You cannot allow the stressful events in your life build up. For instance, if your work or career absorbs too much of your energy, remember to reserve some time to actually enjoy other aspects of your life.

You already know that every situation has both advantages and disadvantages. List all the pros and cons, and put the list away. Sleep on it and take a second look tomorrow.

  1. Learn To Know Yourself And Your Limitations

To effectively manage stress, it is imperative that you learn to know yourself and recognize your limitations. Frequently. Just knowing when to say "No" can spare you from stress build up. Within your working environment, learn to refuse extra work loads if you think you won't be able to manage them. As long as your concerns are reasonable and you state them clearly and politely, you will avoid situations that could lead to unnecessary stress.

Certain situations may be out of your control. Be positive and refrain from blaming yourself. Burdening yourself with guilt will only make the situation worse, and cause you to lose confidence in your capacity to manage your stress.

  1. Seek Help From Family, Friends And Colleages

Realize that you are not alone and seeking help from others is no embarrassment. Your family members, friends and workmates would rather that you ask for their assistance than try to do it alone and fail. There are also professionals and self-help books that can aid you in relieving stress by giving you useful advice.

I will leave you with this thought...

The key to a happy life is finding the right balance between your commitment to others and your commitment to yourself. After all, if you push yourself to the limit and into an early grave, you won't be there to take care of anyone else.

A most effective method to achieve a calming sense of relaxation is by listening to the soothing sounds of nature. Check out this MP3 Collection of Natural Relaxation Sounds, available from Stressbusterz.

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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