We "Grow" Through What we "Go" Through

Self-ImprovementStress Management

  • Author Lafate Smith
  • Published December 22, 2010
  • Word count 538

Sooner or later, everybody experiences a challenge in their life of some sort. These challenges could be health related, financial, or you could be dealing with the loss of a love one, struggling with an addiction, etc.

Although these challenges are inevitable, the fact of the matter is that the majority of us would rather avoid these challenges, if possible. Needless to say, we should avoid and prevent things and events that could cause problems in our lives, if possible.

However, because we know challenges are coming, it is prudent for us to learn how to better handle challenges in our life when they come.

What I will discuss in this article is the importance of challenges in our lives and how to deal with challenges in a way that converts them to being more of an advantage.

The Importance of Challenges

We all know that most challenges causes us pain, hardship and/or discomfort of some kind and because of this, it is very hard for us to appreciate challenges and what they bring to our lives. Have you given much thought to how some of your challenges have resulted in a positive change in your life?

They may have caused you to learn something new or develop in a certain area. They may have brought new people into your life. Some people have launched a new business or product or service because of a problem they were facing. Some people have become prominent well known motivational speakers and advocates for a cause because of a challenge they are facing or have overcame. These people are able to positively touch and change the lives of many.

Use Your Challenge to Your Advantage

When facing challenges, we should look for silver linings in them to see what we can learn from them and how we can use our challenges to better our lives and/or the lives of others.

Challenges are so much a part of life that there is a good chance that you are facing a challenge of some sort right now. Maybe you should start documenting how you are dealing with your challenge. Keep a record of what things you have learned to make dealing with your challenge easier and what things should be avoided. Maybe even talk about how your current challenge could have been avoided altogether had you been aware of and act on certain information prior to.

There is a very high probability that there are many other people going though the exact same challenge as you. You may be able to help someone by sharing your experience and you may be blessed for doing so.

If you look at your challenge as an opportunity to learn from it, you will deal with it better, resent it a little less and increase the chances of growing from your experience and becoming a better person as a result of it. Your current challenge may be developing you into a person who is knowledgeable and qualified to help others with a similar challenge. At the very least, just as challenges are inevitable in life, it is also inevitable that you will learn and grow from your challenge if you approach them in this manner.

Visit Wise Strides (http://www.wisestrides.info) for more words of wisdom!

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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