How to Cope with Divorce


  • Author Karen Kay
  • Published July 18, 2020
  • Word count 802

Divorce is hard, and there are a lot of downsides to the process. But, the way you handle the downsiddes of divorce will have a big imppact on your happiness during the divorce. Here are some tips to help.

  1. Do not try to change your ex-husband’s personality after divorce 

This is huge mistake you made in the first pllace. Trying to make your ex-husband more nice is just plain old narcissism. The more you try, the more you are going to make him more unplleasant. Just imagine a person who has never married, a person who has never seen a movie, and who never really had a chance to meet their spouse. So, they got a cheap divorce and they are already irrittated to death with their soon to be ex. I tell them to just be you. Do not try to change him. He is who you are.

  1. Do not ignore the red flags

If you are divorcing an abusive person who is difficult, you have a choice to be nice to him or to be rude. The former is worse. So, try not to get into that situattion. But if you are a little nicer, you will be better. If you are rude, you will be that bad. In other words, if you are rude, you will never be good to your ex.

  1. Think about a new way to communicate 

This is huge if you are a guy. The best way to really communiccate with a woman is by talking on neutral topics. For example, if you are getting ready to see your doctor, talk about what you are doing for the day. If you are having a tough day with your boss, talk about what you are doing for the day.

  1.  Try not to get into a big argument 

If you are divorcing an abusive person, it might seem that you want to justt let the go of the divorce. That is great if you are having a really hard time in your life. But, if you are divorcing a controlling person, you might want to make sure you are on the same side of the divorce. That way, if he or she is the one who is controlling you, you can talk to each other. But, you have to also be nice to each other.

  1. Do not forget to talk about what you enjoy 

A huge thing after divorce is to try to enjoy your favorite things once again. If you enjoy watching movies and eating pizza, that will be your new way of communicatting. If you enjoyed going to a movie and having pizza, that will be your new way of communicating. Try to remember what you enjoyed doing in the last relationship. If you enjoyed watching a movie, try to remember why you fell in love. If you enjoyed cooking, try to remember why you fell in love. If you enjoyed watching a movie, try to remember why you fell in love.

  1.  Do not be afraid to be yourself right from the start 

A huge thing after divorce is to start living your best life. It is important to know that you are strong and that you can handle anything. So, if you are afraid of your future, make an effort to be the best person you can be right from the start. Remember that you are strong and you can do anything. Try to do the best you can, whether that means working extra hard or giving extra in your job or volunteering. Try to be the best person you can be. Also, remember that you are the captain of your ship and that you can lead the ship into the black.

  1.  Do not let your divorce consume you 

Just like a divorce can destroy a person, it can also destroy them. So, if you are willing to take the time to learn more about yourself, try to get a divorce online and start a life. Just like a person who has a problem, try to find the way to fix the problem. You will never be able to fix the problem if you have no idea about what you want and how to get it. Just like a person who is feeling a sick day, try to find the best way to fix the day.

  1.  Don’t let your friends consume you 

A huge thing after a divorce is to try to spend more time with your friends. This way, you will get to relax, meet new people, and talk to other people. You might also meet some other people. The point is, you can meet a new person every day. However, you will never know if you like him or her. So, if you enjoy talking to people, forget about the divorce.

Karen Kay is a lawyer. His main specialization is divorce proceedings. For help in obtaining documents for a divorce, you can refer to the site

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