Ailing Parents

FamilyElderly Care

  • Author Yana Berlin
  • Published December 16, 2007
  • Word count 511

A very sad topic, but one that we all have to deal with; Aging parents.

It’s amazing how time flies, and before you know it, we are all grown up, and we give our parents advise, we tell them what to do and the amazing thing that they listen, and most even comply. Another amazing component that we consider ourselves children while our parents are alive, and only become real adults when they pass.

I was always very proud of having the youngest parents around. Both of my parents got married and had me when they were barely eighteen. It was wonderful growing up with young parents, as it is wonderful to have them still pretty young next to me and my children.

Most of my friends are not as fortunate, their parents are much older, and years do take their toll. It’s hard for me to see how they struggle by taking care of their parents, while balancing their own lives. In my culture, a nursing home is not an option, and as we strive to live our best lives by being the best in everything, it is becoming harder then ever to cater to ailing parents and still be there for our kids and spouses. So what do we do? I think the best answer is WE PLAN AHEAD.

We all know that something are inevitable, and just as we plan for our retirement, we better think of theirs. Some of our parents are financially well off and provided for their care, but some of them didn’t. It’s our job as children to make sure that when the time comes, we’re ready to take care of them as they took care of us, until the very last day.

I want to share with you a story that I recently heard, it is sad as it is funny. One of my friends grandfather, who is extremely wealthy decided to open a CD without saying a word to anyone. He locked all his money in a high yield CD with ridicules penalties for early withdrawal. The grandmother, who came upon a paper with "maturity date" of 2034, called and alarmed her son in law.. Yes, grandpa, completely lost it, he locked the money for the next 28 years. His daughter today is in her sixties, his only grandson is in his forties, so WHY did he do it? The answer is simple, He is 92 and he thinks if he will not live forever his kid will. So please talk to your parents, and get their finances straight while they are alive. Make sure they have a power of attorney in place for their finances, and for their medical wishes.

My very dear friend who has been taking care of her very sick father along with her other three sisters made a very good point, she asked me: " How come one parent can take care of four kids, and four kids are unable to take care of one parent?"

I’ve been thinking about this for the last week.

Yana Berlin is the founder and CEO of, devoted to the celebration of all things, primarily women and the challenges and joys they face juggling their careers, children, relationships, and life’s other issues. Fabulously is a social network for women that catalyzes its members to celebrate and embrace their life. Since launching Join us as we embark on our journey to the best times of our lives at

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