Like Paying More For Your Car Insurance - Buy It Online!

Autos & TrucksInsurance

  • Author Terry Schierer
  • Published February 3, 2008
  • Word count 572

When you get the local car insurance agents to compete for your business you get the lowest possible quote. Buying that same car insurance online will cost you a lot more.

The reason that online quote sites have the highest prices is very simple. The majority of the online car insurance quote sites are owned by the same insurance companies that sell car insurance through local agents that are in your home town.

If the insurance companies need the local agents, which they do, then do you honestly think they would sell you a policy cheaper than their local agent can? Of course not! Like I said the insurance companies need those local agent so do you think they will sell you a policy cheaper than there local agents can. If you do I have some ocean front property in Arizona that I would make you a great deal on. They would be lost without them.

The second reason that online quote sites cannot give you the lowest quote is because they are computers and as you know computers can only give out what is put in them. You can stand on your head and whistle Dixie and they still cannot quote you that low rate. It's not in their program.

The only ones that can cut rates are the local agents, because it's their commissions their cutting. It's their business and if that agent wants to cut you a deal they can. The local agent is the only one who can give discounted rates.

To get that discount rate you need to do business with the local agent, but that can be time consuming, frustrating and a real pain because to get that discounted rate you must get the local agents to compete for your business.

You will never get that low rate by walking into an agents office. Unless that local agent knows he up against tough competition he's not going to discount that rate. if you don't have competition among the agent you won't get the best price.

Dialing for quotes is not a good way to get that low quote. First off the agent doesn't know your getting quotes from someone else unless you tell him and then he probably will not believe you because they know what kind of hassle it is to call around getting quotes. Most of the time when you call the person you need to talk to is not available and then you start a game of phone tag.

The agent knows that most people just give up and pay what's quoted rather than go through all the trouble to get that low quote.

There is a simple solution to this problem and that is to go online, fill out one simple quote request and have that sent to seven or eight of the best local agents in your area. When an agent gets a quote request this way they automatically know that seven or eight other sharp local agents also got that same request so they know that to get your business they need to give you the lowest quote they can possibly give.

He wants your business, needs your business and will do every thing within his power, including cutting rates to get that business. That is how you get the lowest quote possible every time and without all the hassle that's usually associated with getting a low car insurance quote.

To save a ton of money on your car insurance head over to: now, fill out one quote request and then sit back as the best local agents in your area compete for your car insurance business.

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