Skin problems during pregnancy


  • Author Esteri Maina
  • Published April 27, 2009
  • Word count 555

If you are just a young bride, I assure you that one thing you need is to be around the older women, because, pregnancy is something women do not escape in marriage.

When this time comes, everyone who knows you will rejoice at hearing the good news especially your husband, knowing really well that the survival of the baby depend on you no matter what.

In case you did not know, for some women, this period in their lives means putting up with all the ugly results of unbalanced reproductive hormones and most frequently on their skin.

One change that is inseparable with being expectant is gaining weight which is completely normal for the proper growth of the baby during all the trimesters and after giving birth, it slowly reduce.

Skin problems during pregnancy are also many, the major one being acne. Some women go through this long gestation period without a single mark on their faces, back or chests while others experiences the worst outbursts in their lifetimes.

I once was a neighbor to a woman who had a terrible itch all over her skin and the result was an ugly rash, which the doctor said was nothing to worry about.

This answer shocked her and wondered how her gynecologist would lack a much better remedy for her predicament other than saying it is normal.

She could not imagine nine months of bruising her skin over and over again with her nails just to get some sort of a relief from unceasing itch.

Paying her a visit meant lending a hand to do the scratching, except that everyone thought what she had was highly communicable.

I remember her telling me that whatever was growing inside her must be something else because she did not experience such a terrible skin problem during her previous two pregnancies.

Then as the delivery period approached, the problems seemed to go away but whatever they left behind was even more hideous than the rash itself.

That is how she came to understand that it stopped being about her looks right at the moment she conceived and the growing baby took that place.

Every woman’s experience during pregnancy is different, but the cause of all the changes they all endure is imbalance of the hormones like the progesterone.

Being crazy about how bad your acne, cysts, whiteheads, blackheads, rash, allergies or whatever means you can try any cure another person cleared hers successfully with during pregnancy.

Buying over the counter cures without the advice of the doctor may harm the baby and so it would be better to consult.

I do not know how well home remedies for acne work on expectant women skins, but most of them are completely natural and therefore would seldom harm the skin and the baby.

If you asked an older mum, she would suggest keeping your skin hydrated by drinking at least six to eight glasses of water per day.

This will not only enhance your skin but also the problem of constipation that plagues so many women during pregnancy.

Though the doctor’s advice may be as disappointing as the one my neighbor was given, it would be advisable, to ask for his or her opinion every time you find a new cure, just to be sure your baby will be protected.

An original article by Esteri Maina on SKIN

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