Swollen breasts during pregnancy


  • Author Alfred Patil
  • Published November 15, 2009
  • Word count 522

If a woman gained too much weight, both she and fetus may experience troubles. Excessive weight gaining – is one of the symptoms of late toxicosis, unhealthy state of a pregnant woman. Late toxicosis may lead to development of miscarriage threat. Under such circumstances, a woman begins feeling pains in waist and lower part of belly.

Rashes appear due to irritation of the skin. One common pregnancy rash is called pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP). This is the most frequently seen condition specific to pregnancy. Women with PUPPP demonstrate a rash which starts on the abdomen and can spread to the breasts, arms, thighs, and buttocks.

If you are feeling tiredness and are not feeling that much energetic as you normally used to be then this may also be an early sign of pregnancy. In these kinds of circumstances most of the women make the mistake of linking this tiredness and lack of energetic feeling with the other things happening around them, while, in reality this is an early sign of pregnancy.

Enlarged nipples and tender breasts: As the body prepares itself for breastfeeding, the nipples enlarge and breasts become swollen, tender and sore to touch during early pregnancy. Some women may experience some light bleeding or spotting 8-10 days after ovulation, coinciding with the date of next due period.

Lower abdominal cramps, which begin soon after the implantation of embryo, disappear within a week or two. Headaches caused by rising levels of hormones in the first few days of pregnancy too disappear once the body accepts the change in hormonal levels.

Having unusually tender breasts is a very early sign of pregnancy also. This symptom can begin within a week or two after conception. Women may also notice their breasts becoming swollen and quite sensitive. You may also notice your areolas darken.

You may also experience a feeling of tenderness on your breasts and nipples. Most of the time, they may also feel like they are swollen. One physical change that you may experience during pregnancy is the feeling you may experience with your breasts.

Another first month pregnancy sign you should watch out for is extreme fatigue. If you feel like you’re constantly exhausted and out of energy, that’s an accurate early sign of pregnancy. Being tired most of the time to even do anything is felt by most pregnant women, although it’s not really known why they do. Many believe that it is the increased levels of progesterone that contribute to this effect.

During the first trimester of pregnancy i.e. roughly the first 13 weeks, you may experience an early sign of pregnancy wherein you will find yourself rushing to the restroom more often which happens because the uterus starts growing and causes frequent urination.

Missed period, according to the most of the individuals and pregnant women is a prominent indication of pregnancy. However, a missed period may follow other factors as well, such as certain medications or side effects of medical treatments, stress etc. Therefore, consult your doctor immediately when your period is overdue whether it is an early pregnancy symptom or not.

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