Leave Your Stress on Ashwagandha

Self-ImprovementStress Management

  • Author Dr John Anne
  • Published May 7, 2007
  • Word count 674

These days our world is becoming very tough place to survive. We have to struggle and fight everyday to fulfill out daily needs and requirements. Our life is stressed up with long working hours and in achieving the very hard targets that our boss gives us to achieve.

Well life is full of complaints and tough moments that we have to cope up with otherwise we will surely lag behind the race as only fittest survives.

But here the question arises that what to do to face this undesirable stress and discomforts. “Change your job buddy” surely you must have got this advice from many people but is this the way out. It’s for sure that you can change your boss but really can’t change the attitude these all guys of bossy category possesses. Hence theirs has to be another answer to this query.

The only answer to this huge question mark is not by changing your environment but is to get easily adjusted and adapted to such conditions you are working in. Yes, this is the best way to get rid of all those irritating stuffs that is always creeping into our life. To achieve above attitude only one thing can help you and that is called Ashwagandha.

Ashwagandha or Withinia somnifera as known in botanical term, is an ayurvedic herb that has been a point of excellence in ayurvedic health care system. Ashwagandha is backed by its thousands of years of right targeted result and providing the sustainable heath to people worldwide.

Ashwagandha is an herb that has been benefiting people with its diversified application and targeted approach in pacifying a diseased condition prevailing in the body. Ashwagandha helps our body in following ways:-

· Stress buster – Ashwagandha is an herb that is now days widely used as one of the best stress buster. It is equipped with the properties that reduce the stress. As per ayurvedic concept is concerned stress is a condition that occurs in our body due to vata dosha vitiation. In normal condition all the three doshas i.e. vata, pitta and kapha remains in the normal equilibrium state there by making our body achieve balance and attain healthy state both physically and mentally. Ashwagandha helps are body to attain such stability especially where vata imbalance is concerned.

· Anti-oxidant – Ashwagandha is blessed with this property also. It scavenges on free radicals that get formed in our cells and are very much responsible for causing unwanted age related changes. Though free radicals formation is very natural phenomenon and has to occur in our body. Ashwagandha helps in limiting the formation of these free radicals and thus preventing early aging processes occurring in the body.

· Anti-inflammatory – this is a unique property that Ashwagandha possesses. It is an excellent anti – inflammatory agent. It is very widely used in suppressing any kind of edematous growth that peeps out of the body. It can also be used for reducing internal swellings and inflammations. Again as per ayurvedic concept, these inflammations and swellings occurs in our body due to vata vitiation. Ashwagandha helps in normalizing the increased vata in the body thereby helps in curing these inflammations and swellings.

· Analgesic – Ashwagandha is one of the fantastic painkiller and pain reliever. Owing to its vata suppressant properties and hot potency, it very easily fades away the elements that are responsible for initiating pains in the body. Being herbal in origin it gels with the body very easily resulting in releasing of spasm in the muscles that are deeply responsible for originating pain sensations in the body.

· Enhances stamina – Ashwagandha in general is known as Indian ginseng. This name is given to Ashwagandha due to its actions. It serves very similar functions that ginseng is famous for. More over it was found very close in its chemical constituency to ginseng. It is very helpful in increasing the libido and stamina in males to perform at the right moment. It is also helpful in treating various sexual problems like premature ejaculation, impotency and erectile dysfunction.

Read more about the benefits of Ashwagandha herb and Ashwagandha Supplements at [http://www.ayurvediccure.com](http://www.ayurvediccure.com/) - World's Finest Portal on Ayurveda and Herbal Remedies

Article source: https://articlebiz.com
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