Jealousy -Biggest Source of stress and depression in modern world

Self-ImprovementStress Management

  • Author Sedrik Pet
  • Published August 9, 2007
  • Word count 532

Is above sentence true? 10% of American population suffers from stress. Why in today’s world we see lot of people suffering from stress or freely quote word stress. Ok let’s compare today’s world with world of generation of 25 year ago. What we have and they haven’t. Think hard about it and you will find that almost 50% luxuries we enjoy nonexistent at that time then why we kept hearing from our dad, mom or aunt that in there time they didn’t see lot of depressive or schizophrenic or stressful people around.

Ok lets put thing other way around. Do you think the people suffer most from stress are homeless or poor one? Well just give one visit to clinic of well known psychologist and wait for 2 hours at reception and you will find out how much you are wrong here. Big executive, sons of millionaires or some people you most jealous of will met there. Even you can find out people whom you think as happiest of lot of world.

This is because of almost all stress and depression generate from jealousy and unhealthy competition. We named it stress or job stress. So in some authorities opinion stress is by product of modern , fast and competitive world.

You have car but colleague or neighbor got better one and you felt jealous never think of people who didn’t even have home to live let’s forget car. You get decent living, good luxurious life and family but you didn’t feel happiness because colleague gets promotion or better salary then you.

You feel depression because of office politics and jealousy you felt for your colleague. You just ready to develop ulcer, gastrological problems, heart problem ,stress, depression but not ready to decrease level of your ego or jealousy you felt for someone. Instead of kick out jealousy or decrease ego level you generally give someone (indirectly) chance to cease your mind and make him centered in your life. Give your self a hard thought and just take it neutral way or positive way (Very tough) and try to feel some happiness if someone in office got promotion and see how much it make deference in your life.

You will able to see deference in maximum 10 or 15 days. You will feel relieved and find new freshness in life. Your life will change and mind feels elevated. You can give chance to your mind to ponder on things which are bigger and make deference and think new ideas and develop constructive thinking, instead of centered on one or two persons. You can use your energy and mind as per your direction instead of driven by others who didn’t even know that they are directing your life.

You must develop one habit to stay away from stress or depression “Never cut other’s line to make your line bigger. Just draw your line bigger” I know it is said easier then done but believe me there is no other option if your most of stress generate from jealousy and so called competition. You must kick out every bit of jealousy you feel for someone to make deference (biggest one) in life

Sedrik Pet himself suffered long from stress,depression and anxiety.He is writing

self help and improvement articles to spread awareness about stress and depression


Visit his blog at Sedrik's Blog

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