How to Test for Depression


  • Author Edel Mabalay
  • Published September 3, 2010
  • Word count 392

Many have been undergoing depression without them realizing it. Depression, untreated and left unknown can lead to problems such as bad work output and even losing one’s own job. These results can lead to even more depression and such the person is trapped within a vicious cycle that he can’t get out of just because he failed to take care of whatever it is that cause the depression in the first place. Psychiatrist can help you out to understand what level is your depression and here is a free test depression that you do to understand yourself more.

  1. Keeping a Journal – by writing day to day incidences is not just enough to find out if you are suffering from the symptoms of depression. You should remember to write down the moods you felt from situation and what you have done after feeling them. It can be a simple reaction from another’s problem or experience.

  2. Watch your weight – at first you may think that this advice would just want you to watch your weight like what normal doctors would want you to do. But this tells a lot if you are undergoing depression. A sudden loss of weight or gain of weight means a lot since depression can change how much you normally eat. Some would eat more since they may feel this emptiness inside that they want to fill out and some that lose appetite would mean that they are thinking about a lot of things thus forgot that time has passed by and they actually missed lunch and dinner.

  3. Monitor your energy level – having less energy can be a sign even though you can say that it is just because of lack of sleep and being overworked. There are times that you may feel the same way even though you have enough sleep and even on vacation. This is due to the way your mind is making your body react, since depression can make you feel that there is no need to look forward to a day, you may just want the day to pass by.

This simple test for depression helps you observe yourself more and see things that you may have overlooked before. If you proved that you are undergoing depression then consult a psychiatrist, they can advice you even further and finally solve your problem.

One effective way for depression to be prevented or cured is by checking the individual for depression symptoms as early as possible. There are various treatments for depression today, what with the advances in medicine. Learn the truth about depression and how to deal with it by visiting my depression hurts website.

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