What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up?


  • Author John Terry
  • Published June 3, 2008
  • Word count 1,232

Imagine the following scenario:

You happened to be in a room when your little daughter and her girlfriend had the following conversation:

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" asked one.

"I want to be a flamenco dancer," said the other, excitedly, her eyes sparkling. "I want to dance all over the world, in a beautiful tutu with pink sequins."

"And I want to be a famous singer, like Madonna," said the first. And grabbing a pen for a microphone, she began a makeshift performance.

And you? Yes, you. Have you ever thought to yourself: "What happened to all of my dreams? What ever became of all those things I wanted to accomplish but never did?" Things you wanted to do ten years ago, two years ago, or two weeks ago but never got around to? You didn't do these things because: "What would they say?...They'd probably laugh at me...There are others so much more capable...Who, me? What, now?...I've got guests coming tonight, and I don't even know what I'm serving...I've got to get organized for tomorrow...There's simply no time right now. Another day, perhaps".

Well, I've got news for you. The time is now. If you want to attract the reality you desire into your life, start now. Identify that reality for yourself, the situation from which you will truly benefit.

So, how do you begin?

In my book, I present women with six very simple and effective codes for applying the Law of Attraction in their lives.

Here's a peek at the second code: Find your inner core.

Identify Your Inner Core.

Hiding deep down inside each of us is a precious pearl. Over the years the pearl has become caked with mud and dirt. With this heavy coating, the pearl no longer sparkles and shines. We're not even absolutely sure it's still there. But, if we clear a narrow path to the pearl, its light will start to shine inside us. It will influence our actions and allow us to clean away the layers of mud.

That "little something," the "precious pearl," represents the most important things in our lives, and if they are left unexpressed we will be held captive by feelings of frustration, despair, worry, and missed opportunity. I call this "little something" the "Inner Core." Our Inner Core represents our true identity and what we really want, love, and yearn to do.

If we express what is within our Inner Core, we will feel a sense of satisfaction, inner peace, purpose and fulfillment, and we will radiate a positive feeling outward. This will do wonders for our ability to attract, and, eventually, so many opportunities will come our way that we will truly be more "attractive."

And, as Usual, Statistics Make it all Clearer

Research has shown that women fall into one of three categories with respect to fulfilling their Inner Core.

Category One: The women in this category are the lucky ones, the ones who spend their time doing what they love - in their jobs, as hobbies, as volunteers, no matter what the outlet. These women get up in the morning with a song in their hearts. They have attracted into their lives the reality they truly desire. They aren't without their bad days. But they have an overall sense of satisfaction and contentment and feel they are fulfilling their potential to the fullest.

Category Two: Women in this category are not satisfied with their jobs or are lacking something in their everyday lives. They have a nagging sense of missing out. They know what they'd like to do but are afraid of taking steps to attract that desired reality into their lives. They shy away from initiating, taking chances.

Category Three: These are the women who are dissatisfied with their jobs/their daily routines/their free time activities...but have no idea what would make them more content. They know they are currently unfulfilled and want change, but they don't know which direction to take. They don't know what would bring them contentment, peace, and satisfaction. In short, they don't know what's within their Inner Core. Characteristically, they say, "If I only knew exactly what I want to do with myself, it would be a lot easier to go about doing it."

And what percentage of women falls into each of these categories? Take a guess before reading on.

Women in the first category are clearly in the minority. Only 10% of women know exactly what their Inner Core contains and manage to fulfill it. About 30% of women occupy the second category; they know what's in their Inner Core but are afraid of making the changes needed to attract that reality into their lives. A whopping 60% of women fall into the third category; they are not aware of what their Inner Core contains, have no idea what is good for them, and don't know how to attain self-fulfillment and simply feel good.

As you know, positive thinking isn't enough. You also need to act in order to attract what you really want from life. And so, how do we go about discovering what's inside our Inner Core? The answer, of course, cannot be stated in a few brief words. So let's start with a few questions about yourself that will help clarify matters.

What Are You Passionate About?

This exercise might not be easy, but the more time you devote to it, the easier the answers will come. The responses that any woman gives to the following questions are the first step toward discovering her Inner Core:

Think of something you did in the past that made you feel..."Wow!" - Incredibly satisfied. What was it about that experience that made you feel so elated?

What do you do in your free time? What are your hobbies?

What do you like to do on weekends and vacations?

Have you ever received a prize? A certificate of commendation for excellence? If so, what did you do to earn it?

What about genetics? What did your mother/father/grandmothers/grandfathers like to do, and what were their areas of expertise?

If you could do anything without fear of failing, with guaranteed success, what would you do?

What are you curious to know more about? What things? What people?

If you had a million dollars, what would you do and how would you spend it?

For which "higher cause" do you feel committed to act?

What makes your heart beat? What makes you come alive?

And for dessert, a true story

I was sitting with three women, one of whom proudly told the others that she would soon qualify as a certified meditation instructor. She told us of her dream to open a meditation center with a small natural food restaurant attached. Her "friends" immediately pounced on her, shot down the idea. "That's crazy ..... There's so much work involved...it would be so stressful...you would never have any time to be with your kids."

The woman, who looked crestfallen, mumbled, "I guess so. It really would be difficult."

I couldn't help myself. I turned to the "friends" and asked, "Why are you killing her dream?"

One of the women answered bitterly, "Because that's life! I, myself, have a dream cemetery in my head."

A "dream cemetery?"

Let's not allow ourselves to become a cemetery for our dreams!

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