Reframing The Role Of Leadership in Tomorrow’s Workplace And The Threats Posed By Artificial Intelligence


  • Author Dr. Dina Randria
  • Published February 29, 2024
  • Word count 2,963

Today's world is experiencing a paradigm shift as a result of rapidly evolving economies and technologies. Deep and ongoing organizational transformation is a reality in the business environment. Stability gives way to uncertainty, and unpredictability becomes the new standard. Technology is evolving in a broad sense all over the world, and humanity is now experiencing what Brynjolfsson and McAfee (2016) titled the second machine age with the advent of Artificial Intelligence(AI). Artificial Intelligence is not only used by high tech companies, but by people in their everyday life. Rapid technological advancement and shift in business model are inevitable in this era and many people have different perspectives about whether AI should take the place of humans, whether AI is unnecessary, or whether a middle way should be adopted. The development of AI has the potential to boost economic growth, but it also raises concerns since it could lead to structural unemployment. People are afraid of this shift because they think robots will replace humans in the workplace and make us more susceptible to layoffs. On the other hand, some are thrilled about the new employment prospects and jobs that the growth of AI is bringing forth. The development of AI technology poses a risk to human rights, could lead to discrimination, and eventually replace human labor. In reality, AI automation will probably create new employment while also making some vulnerable, but one thing is for sure: the skill sets needed for the workforce of the future are evolving.

Threats Of Automation And Structural Unemployment

With predictions that AI will replace around 800 million jobs globally by 2030, it's no surprise that the world is abuzz. The economic forecast is equally astounding, with AI's predicted economic impact totaling $15.7 trillion by the same year. Over 120 million jobs are projected to be retrained in the coming years as artificial intelligence reshapes industrial expectations. In 2021, China installed 268,200 industrial robots, accounting for over 52% of all new industrial robot installations worldwide. Overall, Asia accounted for 74% of industrial robot installations in 2021, while Europe and the United States climbed by roughly 24% and 14%, respectively by the same year.

The idea that we are about to witness a robot revolution has generated a lot of discussion over how automation would probably affect income distribution and growth. In general, there are two parties that have radically divergent expectations for the future. Although the AI revolution will be different, there are good reasons to think that a resilient and adaptable economy will once again defeat the threat of technological unemployment. While automation replaces some jobs, it enhances many others, particularly those that value creativity, adaptability, and abstract thought. It is anticipated that technological advancement would eventually enhance human abilities through the creation of new vocations. Although isolated instances of structural unemployment are recordable, they are only permanent because they disappear as soon as the labor market reaches equilibrium.

Human Versus Robots : Who Will Win The Race?

AI has been shown to outperform humans in situations that require processing high levels of information at extremely fast and at an exponential rates, reducing the complexity of performing these tasks, and to be objective, AI is free of self-interested agendas, which is not always the case with humans. Humans, on the other hand, have emotional and social intelligence to deal with employees in organizational environments, which is necessary to persuade, motivate, and develop interpersonal relationships with others, surpassing AI agents in these situations (Jarrahi, 2018). According to Libert, Beck, and Bonchek (2017), there is a prediction that artificial intelligence (AI) will serve as the foundation for a crucial competitive advantage when utilized for strategic and operational decision-making. But most business executives still don't fully understand artificial intelligence (AI), and most don't know when or how to fully optimize it.

AI as Tool Not A Threat To Human

Artificial intelligence (AI) transforms organizational structures and opens up new growth prospects by automating repetitive work and streamlining decision-making procedures. Human workers will have more time to devote to complementary tasks where they have a comparative advantage, like those involving creativity and human interaction, as machines begin to replace routine manual and routine cognitive tasks. Instead of threatening human leadership, artificial intelligence is an effective tool that could bring out human skills and facilitate better decision-making. To succeed as leaders in this new era, leaders must welcome change, promote teamwork, and concentrate on highlighting the aspects of humanity that AI cannot duplicate. Artificial intelligence (AI) is useful in this situation because it makes decision-making easier by turning vast amounts of data into insightful information. In order to develop an ecosystem of shared relationships and procedures, using AI necessitates altering crucial job responsibilities and collaborating across organizational boundaries.

The Need For Regulation Before Deploying An AI Ready Culture

Artificial intelligence has a wide range of advantages and disadvantages, but regulation is required, and there is strong support for AI regulation. Effective regulation would prevent various concerns, but ineffective regulation has the potential to impede AI development and progress. For regulation to be effective, it must target the core of the problem. Future workers must be equipped with the necessary abilities to work alongside artificial intelligence, including interpersonal communication, informed decision-making, and physical dexterity—qualities that AI cannot match.

One of the biggest concerns for the next decade is expected to be the regulation of AI. Artificial intelligence development can be hindered by regulation, but ethical growth of AI would be ensured by proper and well-planned regulation, which would also foster public confidence (Rakhecha, 2023). OECD suggested principles that underpin the development of AI: First, it requires that artificial intelligence would be served to advance society by promoting equitable growth, sustainable development, and shared welfare; second, it calls for AI programs to be created with human rights and legal requirements in mind while maintaining privacy; the third principle mentioned transparency; and fourth it requires AI systems to function steadily; and lastly it mandates that organizations that distribute and use AI should be accountable for ensuring that their AI complies with the other principles. An EU white paper on AI urges member states to assume leadership roles and formulate new national legislations on AI technology in order to ensure citizens’ trust and confidence. However, laws are not always up to the speed with technological developments so AI-based digital technologies should adhere to ethical norms in the first place.

Reframing The Roles Of Tomorrow’s Leaders Navigating This Paradigm Shift

Can robots replace human leaders and steal our jobs? Is the first question that frequently comes to mind when addressing leadership and artificial intelligence in the workplace. In order to reframe and test the abilities of the future roles of leadership. Leaders in the AI ecosystem have an obligation to disprove these concerns. The way we do business will shift, and future successful leaders will require a slightly different set of talents than those who are currently in the leadership role as AI holds promise as a more reliable, efficient, and unstoppable substitute for human labor. To tackle the challenges AI presents, leaders must cultivate and strengthen their dynamic strategic capabilities. As a result, in order for humans and machines to collaborate and strengthen one another's shortcomings, leaders must foster a supportive environment in their organizations where learning never stops. Keeping up with the most recent advancements in AI is crucial because the field is constantly evolving. To prepare for the implementation of AI, leaders must possess the flexibility to let go of some used and tested organizational development ideas. AI-friendly mentality is essential since it forms the basis for all other concepts. Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool that may enhance human talents and help with improved decision-making, not a threat to human leadership.The definition of a great leader will change and needs to be reframed as a result of this technological transformation. Therefore, it makes sense that corporate executives will have to adapt, adjust and reinvent their business capabilities as a result of the intelligence revolution.

Emotional Intelligence Is A Must Have Skill

Even while AI is capable of handling complicated tasks, it is lacking in a vital component that is necessary for human-to-human communication which is Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Being emotionally intelligent increases one's ability to understand emotions and how they affect behavior. Since businesses are primarily focused on people, anything that has an impact on people also has an impact on businesses. Every corporate institution employs a workforce that is diverse in terms of nature, temperament, and experience, which has an impact on the overall pattern of work.Unfortunately, organizations have not yet given much attention to EQ in the workplace. Nevertheless, factors like a higher turnover rate, changes and modifications to the work environment, and competitive pressures have made it vital and practically necessary to understand and value the use of it. When communication and connection are exclusively through technology, real comprehension and emotional depth may be lost. EQ can complement this potential deterioration as people can develop empathy in the digital age by developing EQ. By being conscious of their own emotions as well as those of others, people can build strong relationships and transcend the emotional divide brought forth by AI.

To be an excellent leader in this fast-paced, complex corporate climate of today, leaders must have a wide variety of abilities and improve their leadership abilities in order to cope with the requirements of tomorrow’s workplace. It takes more than simply having technical proficiency, knowledge, or intelligence to be an excellent leader. The ability to identify, comprehend, and regulate one's own emotions as well as those of others imply the need for EQ in the workplace. A leader's ability to successfully communicate, forge deep bonds with others, resolve issues, and motivate their team to reach objectives is all made possible by their emotional intelligence.

Spiritual Intelligence Is Vital

Spiritual intelligence (SI), or the human capacity to ask questions about the ultimate meaning of life and the relationship between us and the world in which we live is necessary for the development of AI in the future. When people allow AI to be a substitute of their spiritual intelligence and neglect to protect their freedom of conscience, opinion, and religion, it becomes a threat to humanity. Spiritual intelligence relies on analogy to recognize harmonies, synchronicities, and sympathies, while AI is powered by algorithms. Spiritual intelligence is attuned to the intangible, paradoxical, and mythological side of humans while artificial intelligence processes the concrete and known. The boundary between chaos and order, or more precisely, "chaorder," which divides the known from the unknown, is where S-intelligence becomes one of the skills that tomorrow’s leader must possess.

Leaders of the future need to be conscious of their own ability to direct and manage a team. It supports them in making wise and successful decisions that benefit the business and encourage individual development among team members. Leaders need to understand their business environment because they don't work in a vacuum. The need for spiritual intelligence is a vital skill that leaders need to acquire in order to navigate the complexities of tomorrow’s workplace, leaders with high levels of SI are more effective at motivating and inspiring their staff members. Leaders with high SI have a better sense of empathy, compassion, and a thorough awareness of the human condition, allowing them to connect with their people on a more profound level. Leaders can cultivate SI in the workplace by encouraging their teams to engage in mindfulness practices and other types of self-reflection. Furthermore, spiritual intelligence can help leaders learn to accept and surrender in the face of ambiguity. They can learn to let go of their desire for certainty and control by acknowledging that certain circumstances are beyond their control and fostering a sense of confidence in a higher power or universal force in order for them to welcome uncertainty with openness and curiosity.

Ethical Decision Making Is Critical

In this era of unprecedented change, the primary duty of ethical leaders is to inform their subordinates of the need to be straightforward, resourceful, impartial, and reasonable in their day-to-day tasks. They also have a need to be meticulous, diligent, and trustworthy. At its core, ethical leadership answers all of the fundamental questions about who we are, what makes us special, how we survive and grow, and how we have thrived throughout history. Leaders that are ethical instill positive behaviors and attitudes in their workforces and establish a sense of duty and pride in their organizations by emphasizing fairness, unity of purpose, and honesty in both workforces and business dealings.

When ethical values are implemented in businesses, corporate and individual goals can go beyond maximizing profits and benefiting shareholders. Leaders may be influenced by ethical considerations to make wise choices to safeguard the company from unethical activity. Transparency is a fundamental leadership feature that enables leaders to make clear and consistent decisions. Leaders should communicate openly about their beliefs, ethical standards, and other components of their leadership philosophy. Responsibility is another important factor in influencing ethical decision-making since it requires leaders to evaluate the long-term consequences of their actions before making a final decision. The last soft skill that leaders need to develop is empathy, which is the ability to put oneself in another person's situation. In another words, it's the capacity to empathize with others. The concept is crucial, particularly in the digital age where digital information, remote work, and smart workplaces could bias our perceptions. Regarding the potential course of events, every alternative has pros and cons of its own. Therefore, it is critical that leaders take into account the culture, organizational framework, and social milieu in which they operate. AI need to be viewed as a collaborative tool that works with people rather than against them, whether that be in the government, business, or military forces.

Leaders Need To Adopt The Alien Mindset Of Xenoaccelerationism

By accepting diversity, advocating for the rapid and exponential progress of technology, society and knowledge. Xenoaccelerationism aims to catalyze transformative change and holistic view by combining innovative ideas, cultural diversity, and cutting-edge technologies, with the objective of moving mankind toward a positive, sustainable, and inclusive future. The epistemology of xenoaccelerationism is probably non-dogmatic, which means it is still subject to change and modification in light of new information and understanding. It would adopt a mindset of constant learning and adjustment to improve its comprehension of the outside environment. This would urge leaders to critically reflect on their own preconceptions, prejudices, and cultural circumstances that may influence their thinking. This self-awareness would encourage a more impartial and open-minded approach to knowledge acquisition. The integration of knowledge from many fields, cultural backgrounds, and philosophical traditions is the main component of this alien mindset and it acknowledges that various types of knowledge can provide unique insights and contribute to a more complex view of the world making sure that technological breakthroughs are beneficial to humanity.

By recognizing that the future is not final, xenoaccelerationism deters people from holding inflexible, deterministic beliefs that could impede development and restrict human potential. It inspires people and communities to reject the limitations of a predetermined fate and adopt an attitude that emphasizes continuous discovery and adaptability. It embraces the idea of nonfinality in place of the notion of a predestined destiny. This viewpoint encourages ongoing research and development by fostering a pragmatic and adaptable mindset. It promotes an attitude that celebrates continuous change and creative potential by accepting the dynamic nature of reality. This allows for the pursuit of a more prosperous and inclusive future for humanity. It acknowledges the critical role that technology plays as a mediator in social relations and the development of societies and recognizes that technology is a transformative force that has a significant impact on how people interact with one another and how societies operate. The ideology encourages a discriminating and reflective approach to technological progress, ensuring that it contributes to the collective well-being and advancement of mankind as a whole by appreciating its transformational nature and the reciprocal interaction between humans and technology.


In an AI-driven environment, leading firms will necessitate new perspectives on leadership knowledge and competencies For firms to prosper in the future, fundamental leadership abilities will need to evolve. In order to guarantee that their teams is capable of adjusting to the changing job needs, corporate leaders must endeavor to predict these changes as much as possible and create strategies to reskill or upskill their staffs. Fostering a culture that rewards initiative and creative thinking is a key component of leadership excellence. It is imperative for leaders to establish communication channels that are transparent and open, enabling team members to voice their issues and offer suggestions. It is imperative for leaders to foster a culture of experimentation and risk-taking in order to inspire creativity and innovation in order for their organization to survive with the looming threats of AI. Thus, an excellent leader needs to be a mobiliser - inspiring his team towards an envisioned future,a humanist valuing the creativity of people, a mediator to human-machine in a common quest, a navigator that is building bridges in AI ecosystem, an explorer by using AI to sharpen the competitive edge of their organizations, a sense maker that is emphasising clarity in AI design and processes as well as an architect and a guardian of the futuristic workplaces.


Jarrahi, M. H. (2018). Artificial intelligence and the future of work: Human-AI symbiosis in organizational decision making. Business horizons, 61(4), 577-586.

Libert, B., Beck, M., & Bonchek, M. (2017). AI in the boardroom: The next realm of corporate governance. MIT Sloan Management Review, 5.

Liu, K. The Integrative Hermeneutics of Accelerationism: Xenoacceleration.

McAfee, A., & Brynjolfsson, E. (2016). Human work in the robotic future: Policy for the age of automation. Foreign Affairs, 95(4), 139-150.


I am a writer in the field of leadership development in era of Artificial Intelligence.

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