Inspiration vs Motivation...


  • Author Mark Shields
  • Published December 13, 2010
  • Word count 1,020

" Inspiration comes forth from within. It's what the light burning within you is about, as opposed to motivation, which is doing it because if you don't do it, there will be negative repercussions. Motivation is making myself do something that I don't really want to do. Inspiration is having the clear picture of what I am wanting -- and letting Universal forces come into play to get the outcome"

Esther Hicks

Procrastination seems to be one of the biggest problems people experience. There is an entire industry (namely the personal development industry) focused almost entirely on attempting to address this problem, helping people get clear on their goals and then motivating them via all manner of coercion to achieve them.

Guilt, irritation, shame, self sabotage, stress, the fear of not reaching ones potential, anger at self, beating oneself up, right path/wrong path thinking etc all accompany the so called unmotivated individual.

The problem is that most attempts both calculated (as in sales) and well meaning (coaching/pep talk) to help motivate others will most likely cause more problems than solutions. Why? Unless the 'helper' is doing nothing else than helping the other listen only to their own inner voice/knowing they will be teaching them (yet again) that some external force knowns better than their own self what is right for them (which of course it never can).

In doing so the individual attempts to motivate themselves by comparison to something external which is normally rooted in self worth issues and lack of connection to self and only leads the individual further and further from their own personal inspiration which is a direct and personal relationship with life. Any 'middle man' as it where will just confuse the signal.

One of two things can happen when you find yourself procrastinating or seeking to motivate yourself. You will motivate yourself with head talk and force yourself to do something that most likely does not feel particularly good. Or you can wait (aka procrastinate), until you feel inspired from within to do it. The first, motivation, will take substantial effort, be a fleeting addictive type high followed by a down, feel like a pat on the back and will leave you wanting. The second, inspiration takes courage, will feel genuinely good and uplifting, absorbing, purposeful and of course inspired !

Personally it's been a journey of many years to learn to live from inspiration, an experience that sticks out was when I did all the T.V stuff in the UK. I was rising fast as the new personal development star in the UK with book deals on the table, new T.V shows in the pipeline and major media coverage pretty much every day. However it didn't inspire me. I felt inspired to live in Australia.

There was fear that I 'should' stay as it was what 'everybody wanted'... fame, fortune and credibility so I tried to motivate myself to stay with relentless head talk and 'should's'.

But it just felt better when I thought about Australia, so I took a deep breath and left the 'personality' lifestyle much to the amazement of all, and in just 8 weeks I was once again an unknown living in Byron Bay, driving a VW combi and making furniture for a living !! But the relief of leaving the personality circus and the delight of being in Australia was of course the inspired choice.

Again, I find myself as will you, moving into new areas with new inspirations. Perhaps bashing your head against what you 'should do' ... outdated ideas and projects that are motivated by living up to some ideal set by someone else, or perhaps doing what you feel you should or ought to be doing in the hope of fantasy rewards at the end of the 'hard slog'.

It takes courage to live free and in the flow of your own calling - but the reward is extraordinary. I believe that the word inspiration originally means to be filled with life/god/spirit. What better way to live?

Understanding the experience of motivation.

  1. Is there a feeling of urgency and fear that if I don’t take action I’ll lose out on the reward?

  2. Are you focused on the outcome of your performance?

  3. Do you find yourself comparing your performance to others?

  4. Are you concerned about what other people might think of you if you don’t meet the stated goal?

  5. Do you experience jerky energy... times when you are bursting forward and other times when you stall out?

  6. Do you "should on" yourself? Do you ever say, "I know I should be working on that project, but ..."

  7. Do you waste a lot of time feeling guilty?

  8. Do you achieve goals and then wonder what the point of it was?

  9. Do you sometimes feel like you have to wear a mask or recite a script to be what others think you should be?

  10. Does fear keep you from taking risks or speaking the truth?

Understanding the experience of inspiration

  1. Do you feel a strong sense of purpose and clarity?

  2. Do you start the day with intent, eager and excited to face the challenges that lie ahead?

  3. Do you believe in your potential and the value of your contribution?

  4. Do you know that you have something unique to offer the world and are open to discover new ways to continue contributing wherever you show up?

  5. Do you avoid comparing yourself with others and know that your path is unique to you?

  6. Do you revel in the process, not getting caught up in outcomes or payoffs, seeing them more as just the icing on the cake?

  7. Do you love doing things for the joy of doing them

  8. Do you take the time to be reflective about your life path and who you are becoming?

  9. Do you check in with yourself to ensure that you actually feel good?

  10. Do people know what you stand for?

  11. Do you have simple and nourishing principles by which you live?

  12. Are you filled with appreciation for the endless opportunities and gifts of life?

  13. Are you fully alive?!

Article:Mark Shields

Mark Shields, Life Coach, Author, Media Expert and Motivational Speaker, is Managing Director of Life Practice UK, specialists in Personal and Business Coaching.

Contact: 01462 451473,,

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