Spartan Creed for every Deed


  • Author Randy Gonzalez
  • Published December 10, 2019
  • Word count 3,295

Spartan creed for every deed suggests the duty, discipline and devotion for the ultimate quest of the personal mission. For an ethical framework by which life is a meaningful experience in every aspect, the free will choice is in the purpose of individuation. A code of ethics is a private selection. For a few, who prefer a more demanding existence, one filled with the pleasures and pains of real-life exposure, a Spartan perspective may be more acceptable.

Defining that viewpoint invites variations. As some practitioners of warrior traditions alluded, it is a sincere dedication to a rigorous lifestyle animated by the vitality of the "warrior’s edge". To offer the term Spartan is to reflect upon historic reference points whereby living is mental, physical and spiritual in the wholeness of self-evolving transformation. It is a personal quest, a journey of individual liberation beyond the social enslavement of contrived consensus.

One writer offered the outlook that a Spartan way of life focused on self-development. In so doing, one constantly challenged himself or herself to become a better version than the original self. In furthering those aims, frugality was centrality, reflecting a minimalist existence. That is to say, less consumption and more conservation in using only what one needs. Essential to the mission of life, physical fitness remains critical, particularly to a changing mindset.

Training mentally and physically often confronts post-modern senses with a certain amount of anxiety. Timid, anxious and self-absorbed at a very superficial nexus, most dare not fathom the depths to which the "mind" can go. Nor is there much care to face the darkness within by seeing the darkness all around. Regardless, some, especially first responders and those in the military, a kinship of the few, face the depravity of human debauchery frequently perpetrated.

Being fit for the personal quest, is a commitment over a lifetime. Self-evolution in mature transformation is a slow process. It requires pain and suffering, as well as pleasure and passion. Each day is another training day to insist upon a freethinking worldview. Spartans are a good example for living simply, by prudent means and a lifestyle without extravagance. In such historical reference, the intention is to address principles of thinking and subsequent behavior based on disciplined thinking processes. As one group of advocates asserted, the illumination upon these precepts is about how to apply them in a modern context that is individually positive.

The warrior avoids conspicuous and gluttonous consumption. Yet, in modern society, the ostentations of wealth, consumerism, material possessions promotes a wasteful and arrogant manner of existence. Simplicity as a way of living, for the warrior, pertained to necessity of using only what one needed, without an absence of extravagant indulgence. By contrast, to a consumer-oriented society, the avoidance of gluttony was a significant matter. Over-weight, lazy, self-indulgent and uncreative are not expressions of what a warrior wants.

Regardless, in contemporary society, many are dismissive and condescending toward an ideology that expresses a warrior’s mindset. Likewise, the mere mention of a Spartan concept evokes varied reactions. Typically, criticisms devolve toward sarcastic memes, which are most often in the framework of emotional reactivity of an unproductive nature. Courage, confidence, self-reliance, independence, freethinking, mental and physical fitness, etc., frighten and challenge the status quo. Outside the so-called confines of supposed "normal", a Spartan or warrior mindset labors to be different from commonplace expectations. It scares people.

To say such a thing as Spartan evokes many to react in varied ways. Often the reactivity is negative. For many, the notion strains the senses to give way to a primal submergence to personal self-doubt. Related terms come to mind. Such descriptors as frugal, plain and simple, austere, self-disciplined, self-restrained and courageous in confrontation with pain and suffering. Regardless though, those inclined toward an easier less cumbersome existence readily devolve to the comfort of safe and secure mediocrity. Personal self-reliance is fearful and uncomfortable.

For purposes here, the conceptualization is not literal in reflection upon an ancient time, culture and historic geographical location. Instead, the inclusion favors a tactical mindset, based on ethical precepts that inspire expanding realms of mature mental prowess. The code of bushido, for example, is another point of reference in developing a warrior’s way of life. While ideological thinking makes transitions over time, place and circumstance, the essentiality of a belief ought to be one by which a maturity of wisdom rises above the selfishness of infantile regressions.

Frugal, austere, and economical require discipline and devotion to a set of ideals that persist in the individuation of the diligent person. As such, he or she is a warrior of self-evolution, as resistance fighters come in many human forms. Important to this psychic process of self-evolution is the perseverance for extraordinary creativity and authentic conduct.

As ethical perspectives invite diverse and divisive discourse, opposition is expected in every human endeavor. It takes hard work to be a modern warrior. Developing a warrior mindset, plus all the attributes of mental and physical strength, should not be viewed here as preferring a specific gender. Warrior hood is gender neutral. Essential to personal development, self-evolution, in order to achieve a higher state of differentiation, creativity is vital. Creativity unleashes the angelic and the demonic forms from inside the psyche to transform the individual persona. That is of course, metaphorically speaking. For the monsters from the Id, brave ones fight back.

From the attraction of ethical conceptions, beguiled is a sense of detached observation as to the perversities that intercept good intentions. Ideological roadblocks by those less inclined to self-evolve, as politicians, pundits and purveyors of egregious fallacies, will do whatever they can to protect their special interests. To be different from that requires a never-ending persistence to transform. As such, a Spartan way is one option to insist upon individuation in a creed for every deed. Not that which espouses the shallow discontent of juvenile narcissism. For that is passage from infancy through juvenile delinquency into adulthood. Yet, maturity may be elusive.

Maturation is the metaphysical ascendant masturbation of the brain’s health, longevity and fitness through constant training and exercise. It is determined well-disciplined intensity of introspective thought carried toward aggressively confident actions. No whining, no sniveling no malcontent complaining of this or that, except transcend the old self. As one instructional website asserts in its admonition to "Ranger up!" to master the physical aspects, and enjoin the intellectual capacity for rejuvenation, the warrior becomes a better version than the original.

However, no matter how hard the trek of the personal quest, ghosts, goblins and gremlins strike back. Again, that is metaphorical in reference to the clowns in the human circus who project their insecurities toward others. Such members of the cast do whatever they can to negatively affect another’s successes. They come in many forms but all share the selfish egoistic arrogance of pretentious claims to special insight. Some are critics of creativity in condescending ways.

Others, given their limited range of intellectual capability and conceited shallowness, foment dangerous public policy. Of them, they are usually politicians. Still others spread the venom of their vehemence in places of supposed higher learning, where open-mindedness and free speech are often stifled. They would prefer to shut debate in order to ensure emotional pampering rather than promote the free exchange of differing viewpoints. Selfishness prevails.

In the pussification of modern males, particularly in the U.S., one writer argues the regressive devolution of manhood into a voluntary preference of the "victimization role". The claimant of this perspective suggests everyone, especially men, have a duty to pursue the betterment of themselves. In doing this, the writer maintains and ideal of personal and social responsibility for growing up in a mature non-materialistic manner. Although the scope and extent of measurement might question the validity of defensible data, the ideal is set forth to make the best of one’s situation. Few men in post-modern society desires to do this.

Furthermore, the reality of a pussification of maleness has noteworthy attribution, providing a realistic appraisal is conducted of contemporary social interactivity. From various perspectives, the "state of manhood" in the early part of the 21st century seems under attack from a diversity of interests. A question at this junction might arise to question the viability of authenticity in such assessments in consideration of sweeping generalization. Given the heavy reliance on 24/7 news shows, social media and "academia activism", to mention a few, hastily generalization overlooks the exceptions. It could be easy to conclude adversity in an overall sense.

In addition, anti-maleness attitudes could be exaggerated or could be directly on point. Yet, that is not the direction taken here. The forgoing article suggested manhood is in a state of dilution, with good intentions for asserting a sense of individualism. Masculinity, in the mainstream talk circuits, social media and other places devoid of serious history lessons, reaches only half of the "social studies" arena. For some, the Spartan mindset in few discussions refers to men and gets sidetracked from the original perspective of self-reliance. Femininity is the other component. Specifically, male and female in terms of biological chromosomal implications.

A Spartan or warrior mindset is not concerned with gender in the perspective presented here. Men and women, regardless of personal orientation, ought to strive for a bolder sense of mature self-development in serious personal transformation. Such is a thinking process of individuality, or individuation for higher development. It is the serious personal quest for independence in thought and action. Such is the labor-intensive commitment to change oneself in profound and disciplined ways. The progression is one in which the liberation of thinking processes is essential. Escaping the enslavement of oppressive and tyrannical constraints of status quo consensus demands courage. Developing a tough-minded independent sense of self is risky. Many will not take the chance to break ranks, leave the pack, or flee the flock.

Personal liberation is composed of many components intricate to the thinking processes of the individual. Seeking a higher spectrum or broader context of self-evolution is not an easy undertaking. A life-long commitment to betterment, a more unique evolved sense of self, requires tireless dedication to changing oneself. Growing up is costly. Getting tough about it is costlier. Looking in the mirror and telling the alter ego, at least one of the other personalities and voices inside the psyche, that the day will be another for building a warrior mindset. Next morning, another part of the personality arises and looks back. Now what? Did anything change?

Warriors are different from others. They represent a special class of societal membership. With a diversity of service orientation, it is a diverse group. Examples include those who serve in the military branches of the armed forces, whereby warrior ethos is personified. However, that is not all. From police officers to fire fighters, corrections and probation officers, the examples of warrior-hood exemplify the willingness to serve others. In addition, other lifestyles have warriors. Naturally, a diversity of viewpoints will disagree with this perspective.

Nonetheless, the warrior comes in many forms. Fiercely independent, creatively rebellious, and exceptionally transforming, the knight is distinct and strives to be different. Diligent in personal education, philosophical enrichment, open-mindedness, psychophysical training and enlightenment, the sage resists the temptations to accept the commonality of mundane mediocrity. She or he works hard to change into a different version than the original version at birth. The warrior embraces free will as a profound means by which transformation occurs. Neither perfect nor without shortcomings, warriors seek to ensure chivalrous behavior.

Gallant and noble, courteous and honest, she or he follows a different passage through short history of her or his time. Along the way, by success and failure, pain and suffering, pleasure and learning, the warrior is wary of the enticements that pander stupidity. Where deception threatens the sanctity of truthfulness, the valiant ones confront the darkness within. Shunning the hypocrisy of diverse cultural collusions, the warrior labors to do the right thing regardless of consequences. Of these ideals, the code of bushido expresses the virtues of rightful actions. In brief, eight virtues were cited. These included justice, courage, benevolence, politeness, honesty, honor, loyalty and character. With honor and character, sometimes, sincerity and self-control are used interchangeably. Against these, attacks from the "safe place" mentality of political correctness and absurdities of status quo consensus cannot prevail. A warrior mindset is essential.

Naturally, such a perspective is a particular viewpoint and based on one’s opinion. For the selflessness of self-liberation, the mythic charm of the heroic ideal comes into a modern viewpoint as vital to post-modern social survival. Arduous physical and intellectual energies come to bear to provoke an extraordinary sense of creativeness. Obstacles no doubt are rife within contemporary culture. From greedy consumerism to the stupidity of extremist ideologies, as well as the superficiality of political hypocrisy, the valiant few adherents to the warrior’s code contend with maladaptive, divisive and counterproductive recriminations.

One example of cowardly social intolerance is the protestations for tolerance unless there are differing opinions. In the social mainstream, particularly in the overly opinionated news media, disagreement devolve to an invention of a "phobia". Such lower levels of primal submissiveness lurk in the shadowy realms of moral weaknesses. Higher ascendency to planes of self-reliance and rugged individualism require greater insistence upon individualism. Yet, collusions conspire daily to detract from that reality and impose a devolving spectrum of timidity.

In this sphere of social media shallowness, an evolving sense of presence, in the framework of individual mastery, asserts a positive sense of personal freedom. To pursue an enlightened transformation, free of contrived consensus claims the willful acceptance of personal uniqueness. Responsible, mature and stable persistence in the face of dismissive animosity or ridicule speaks to the inner courage of the rebellious spirit. For the warriors, it is a matter of seizing the right moment to claim his or her exceptionality in the face of reactionary spinelessness.

In one online commentary on social issues, the author colorfully compares many in modern society with the story of Peter Pan in Neverland. Refusing to grow, demanding dramatically to remain in perpetual childhood, the writer suggests entire generations relish in a never-ending state of adolescence. Some might go on to insist that many people today have not progressed beyond the toddler state of their existence. Further, the assertion offered id that, according to one UK news source, adolescence now spans an age range of 10 to 24. In previous generations, that line of demarcation extended to only about age 18. Population estimates put the number of persons in that age group as roughly one third of the U.S. citizens. This of course represents a significant impact in terms of news reporting, social media, and associated public interaction. Behaving in counterproductive ways does not promote the innovation, as well as the keen sense of creativity necessary to advancing the human species. Emotional drama promotes negativity.

For the rampant hypocrisy, the devious scheming and the nefarious deceptions, the adverse and divisive politics as usual speaks volumes of the insidious nature of cowardice. Of the nasty intentions of ill-informed unevolved personages on the grand stage, the hedonistic self-reward of momentary grandeur jeopardizes a republic. For warriors however, the valiant fight is never finished. Much individual work to be done. That comes from within, to rise above the social milieu of hateful bitter acrimony. Each must be prepared to seize the moment.

By keeping watch, without remorse, regret or restrictions, no guilt or self-doubt, staying vigilant and being mentally prepared, one must ignore the whining. Of course, they will whine, snivel and relish in excuse laden memes. Endlessly excusing foolhardy shortcomings gets wearisome, not to mention the demise of social advancement. The stupidity, especially the moral weakness of self-absorbed insincere subjective validation, brings on the eventual demise of the social structure. Such usually helps most become the willing victims of their own deceit.

Deception argues the sad defect in human fascination with false narratives, egregious fallacies of inferential attribution, emotional reactivity and the overall dysfunctional defect of childlike behaviors. For adventures in never-land, many choose to remain as children. Yet, for the warriorhood of individuation in self-liberation, logic, reason and maturity anticipates the grounds, by which facts serve the truth in the final effect. As such, disciplined authentic ethical precepts produce possibilities for ascension to higher realms of enlightened differentiation.

As some would point out, the eternal victims of proclaimed adolescence refuse to grow up, as each subsequent generation unfolds the "selfies" of mirrored amusement. Acting child-like for many is much more entertaining that being responsibly authentic. Arguing against the essential efficacy of serious self-evolving objectivity, the sad defect of the post-modern era is weakness. Softness physically and mentally does little to advance individuality, or collectively, the human species. Along with that, comes the persistent agonizing annoyance of decision-making.

One writer, for an online cultural commentary, cites a continual regression of "maleness", or "manliness", over the last several decades. Accordingly, since 1960, societal efforts trended in the direction of turning males into "pussies". Naturally, from a classical criminological viewpoint, the primacy of free will offers choices not mandates. Therefore, a person does not have to bend to cultural consensus. Regardless, younger persons grew up in a weaker, more cowardly and softer less conflict-oriented society in a much-generalized sense. Yet, there are always exceptions.

Aside from the valiant few, who seek the higher realm of mature psychophysical illumination, probably at best about 20-25% of the population, "adolescence" trends to about age 30. With a rapidly growing crybaby culture, wonderment befuddles the prospects of serious hard-core decision making in a wussy society. As one author has written in an Orwellian framework, the devolving nature of the contemporary society exhibits a fat, soft and weak culture. As suggested earlier, the saga continues relative to a narcissistic, whiny and infantile society.

By contrast, some writers point out the issue relates to the previously cited intentional insistence not growing up. Purposefully forgoing maturity in adulthood, "delayed adolescence" as well as playing the role of "social victim", perpetuates the safe mediocrity of avoiding responsibility. By sidestepping accountability, crybabies can place blame for their weaknesses on something or someone else. Very quickly, and without much effort, absent credible scientific validation, the "social studies" realm of academia can invent an alibi and a "diagnosis".

Simplistic excuses are quickly conjured so the offended parties can feel better. As the devolution escalates, the generational self-imposed transmutation continues its downward spiral. A few exclusions will always be noteworthy, given the probabilities of exceptionality. For the majority, however, the choices are less than inspirational. Preferences favor less risky options for individual passivity. By contrast to previous historical points of reference, the rugged sense of individualism, self-reliance and spirit of adventure, fade to the pages of history.

Feeding on the inclination to stifle maturity and adhere to adolescence in adulthood, many relish in their insecure anxieties. For those referred to as "snowflakes", the derision provokes images of the cowardly lifeforms that dissolve in the face of adversity. While weakness comes in many forms across a diverse landscape, the intentional selfishness retreats from heroism of selflessness. Historical vestiges of pioneering inspiration and creativity in today’s world falls upon a small percentage of those pursuing a warrior’s mindset. It is exception not the rule.

Inside one’s Spartan creed, there are the seeds of noble deeds. Such a mindset reconciles shortcomings with strengths that enjoy an affinity for serious personal insight. With this, the potency of introspection focuses on individual transformation. Every moment represents the freedom to make the right choices, and prevail in becoming a better version that the original template. Personal liberation is a work relentless work in progress to ascend to higher realms of psychophysical enhancement. It is an ascended quest for enlightenment. Retired law enforcement practitioner, criminology professor;

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