One-Hour Practicum Experience


  • Author July Hurst
  • Published January 4, 2021
  • Word count 1,219

It is important to always practice the information learned in class. Practicing anything that was earlier learned makes the information more than just a common knowledge. Physical activity with elementary students gives a first-hand experience that supports knowledge gained in class. It helps to develop the skills and identify the challenges and identify the ways to tackle such challenges in order to achieve the lesson goals in an effective manner. Learners’ needs are at the center of any lesson, therefore, the practicum offers a chance to meet with diverse learners who will facilitate working towards achieving the lesson’s objectives. I had practicum lessons with the neighboring school and I will describe my experience below.

I had the opportunity to interact with students of 1st-5th grades at a school field from 11:30-12:30. There was the P.E. instructor, who was actually one of their teachers and, thus, I have keenly observed their activities, especially their motor and movement in relation to the given instructions. I noticed that some students had not fully developed their motor muscles yet, thus, inhibiting their movements. This was common for 1st grade and some 2nd grade students. I realized that the more the children exercise physically, the more their bodies are relaxed and flexible. For instance, with jump ropes, some would not even jump with the movement of rope, instead they would jump on their own slowly. Students participated effectively in all ball activities, despite the challenge of keeping up with the speed because of differences in age and motor movement skills. Sometimes, the ball would fall down, thus, I helped in handling such a situation. After the warm up exercises, I helped the teacher to group students, according to their abilities, thus, I was able to attend to individual learners effectively.

I learned that it is common for students to have relative differences in motor and movement skills. Therefore, the knowledge and skills developed in class and peer teaching helped to support the learners with unique needs, like the disabled students. It helped the learners to feel that they are not left out in physical activities. I also learned that some students got tired very fast and they lost interest with the activities. This meant that their energy levels are different from others and necessary adjustments should be done in order to manage the class till the end. For instance, 1st and 2nd grade students were enthusiastic and excited with activities but they lacked the energy to continue till the end. However, the other grades were competitive in the activities and wished for more, especially they enjoyed the jump ropes activities. Finally, I realized that with well-defined activities and clear instructions, it is easy to engage the students both physically and mentally.

This practicum taught me a lot about the physical education with diverse learners in terms of age, physical ability, culture and grade. Understanding individual needs and capability helped me to understand how to engage learners, manage their behaviors and achieve lesson objectives. Indeed, it was an experience that will help me develop more skills and prepare me to handle diverse groups of learners.

Feelings after Class

Learning helps in acquiring knowledge and skills that will help us to practice effectively in a real environment. Before the start of this class, I had a feeling that physical education is just taking the learners to the field and allowing them to play any games they want. However, I discovered that it is more than playing games, since it required planned engagement, socialization and interaction between the learners and the instructor. I learned that giving instructions played a big role in the outcome and understanding different capabilities of learners and their interest makes it easy to manage the lesson and class in the effective manner.

After taking this class, I felt that I am knowledgeable enough to handle diverse learners in terms of age, different cultures and varying physical abilities. The class has definitely imparted a culture of respecting opinions of others, privacy and freedom, as well as culture of each individual. I now feel that diversity is a positive aspect in learning, since it makes us creative and innovative, so that unique learner’s needs are met effectively. Without diversity, we would follow the formality, which sometimes does not give enough room to creativity. I feel that the lesson is more necessary, especially where there are diverse learners and their needs are unique, such that it requires being creative and finding alternatives to engage all individuals.

However, I feel that the lesson should encompass psychological analysis of the individuals in order to understand their interests. This is important in management of the class during the P.E. lesson, in order to achieve lesson objectives. By developing personality analysis chart, we will be able to understand learners better and develop the appropriate strategies to make learning effective and overcome any challenges. Despite these feelings, I enjoyed the class and it helped me view P.E. lesson differently and incorporate diverse learning strategies to achieve the set objectives.

Peer Teaching Practicum

On Friday classes, we have to find partners in class and practice peer teaching. The lesson is important, since it reflects want we will do with the K-5 students by taking different role plays to teach the lesson. I did my peer teaching activity with my classmate and my experience is described below.

My peer teaching went on well because I gained some insightful experience. I was able to correct my partner and be corrected, especially by sharing the ideas, and the knowledge we have acquired during class time. The lesson made me develop the cooperative skills and have a positive relationship with my partner and the rest of the class, so that we achieved what we wanted to achieve. It also enhanced my participation because it was necessary for me to participate in order to gain new experience and develop skills and competency that I will use with elementary students. It also helped me to respect opinions of other people, their culture and views, which is essential, since I will meet with diverse learners during my career practice. It is important to respect diversity because it helps in handling different learners in appropriate manner, so that their learning needs are met.

Peer teaching helped me to learn about the importance of character in handling diverse learners with unique needs, like learners with disabilities. With the lesson, I was able to uphold character traits like respect to opinions of other people, respect to privacy and freedom, I learned to be cooperative and value integrity. I also learned about the importance of developing skills, such as communication, decision making, problem-solving and creativity. These skills are important in practice because the conflicts and problems may arise; those will need to be solved, and the positive interactions are necessary to achieve lesson objectives, as well as creativity, which is required in order to met different needs. Finally, I was able to develop my self-esteem, which will help me deliver a lesson to learners with confidence. Indeed, my peer teaching lesson was enriching, since it helped me to develop important character traits, skills and abilities and self-confidence, which will help me excel in the practice with elementary students and during my profession.

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It is important to always practice the information learned in class. Practicing anything that was earlier learned makes the information more than just a common knowledge.

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