How To Turn Spam Into Website Traffic
- Author Michael Brymer
- Published October 7, 2006
- Word count 630
I'm sure you have placed an ad or two in the free classifieds before today but ... did you do it the right way? Are you using spam to help boost your website traffic?
- OK, let me explain
Free classified ad sites are easy enough to find, simply go to any search engine and put in "free classifieds" and place your ad in as many sites as you like.
Most classifieds ask you to put in your email address for responses. Don't use your normal address, get an auto-responder.
Use the auto-responder address in your ad. Your auto-responder instantly sends out your pre-imputed message to those requiring more information.
- But what else happens to your ad?
Basically two things; responses from interested persons and spam from spammers. The advantage of an auto-responder is this: From your free classified ads your auto-responder address will most likely be harvested onto spam lists by email gathering software. Which is a good thing!?
Now every time someone spams your auto-responder address they will get your auto-responder message advertising your website, opportunity etc. Spam lists in turn get on other spam lists that eventually get sold to real people using real addresses believing them to be opt in lists.
If you get sick of the spam mail being redirected to you by your auto-responder, you can have your auto-responder messages directed to a dead address.
- Dealing with classifieds
Now let's say you've decided to put in five classifieds a day. What I recommend you do is; each time you get to the page where you enter your ad details that you copy the URL to that page and keep it filed on your desktop. After one month of doing this you will have about 150 URLS that take you directly to the ADD YOUR POST page of 150 classified sites. This will also give you a speedy advertising system.
Simply cut and paste the ADD POST URLS you collected to an email and send it to yourself. Then all you have to do is click on the URLS and you'll be taken directly to the ADD POST of each classified. With this system you may now add your ad to 10 sites per day as things are a whole heap faster.
- Bring in the robot
You'll soon be sick of typing or pasting your name into each classified so to cure that there is a free form filling robot that you should use. By clicking or pasting in the following URL and hitting enter you can now download the form filling, password protecting robot.
Your personal password will stop others from accessing this great little robot. You'll never have to remember passwords etc again.
- Tracking outstanding classifieds
If you want to know which classified sites are pulling the most prospects you can key each ad with a number. E.g. "Website Hosting Now MLM, for more information put "Free 22" in the Subject". Just remember to put the same number next to the URL you saved from that web page so you can tell which site is attracting the most people. You can probably think of other ways to track ad responses. Tracking is important because you'll be able to concentrate on the more responsive classifieds and discard the rest.
Also make sure your ad title stands out amongst the crowd e.g.
$$$$ MLM HOSTING $$$$
Also put in a few key words at the end of your ads as some sights run like a search engine. e.g. mlm, money, etc.
Now when you see spam in your inbox and notice that they sent it to your auto-responder address you'll appreciate it. It also saves you time sending your message back to them as they already have it. Those high tech spamming robots now work for you, free of charge :)
For more on MLMs and Heavy Hitter Secrets, see more of Michael Brymer's MLM Articles at his website. To listen to streaming radio as you surf the net, Download a Free PC Radio from his website.
Article source: https://articlebiz.comRate article
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