Cute Life Quotes – Get Motivated and Love Life


  • Author Manish Kapoor
  • Published March 9, 2010
  • Word count 387

What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose of our life? Why we are born? Most of us don’t know the answers of these questions. But it’s simple. In one word I can sum up answer to all of these questions. Live your life to fullest. Yes, this is what the meaning of life. This is what the purpose of life and this is why we are born.

There is something magical about living life to fullest. When we live life to fullest, all our fears are vanished, our courage and confidence touches the sky and all our doubts and fears are dispelled. It gives us sense of extraordinary freedom and exhilaration which in turn allows you control your life the way you want.

But to live life to its fullness, we need motivation. Motivation is driving force that gets us started. Cute Life Quotes can be beneficial when it comes to motivation. Studying them and comprehending the meaning behind them will give you wisdom to make your life the way you want it to be.

For example reading this quote of Ashley smith, "Life is full of melody. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to fullest potential, and fight for your dreams." Suddenly motivate you to love your life and enjoy every moment of it t your heart’s content.

Here are some more cute life quotes to ponder on:

"The Greatest use of a life is to spend it for something that will outlast it." Anonymous

"Whatever you are, be a good one." Abraham Lincoln

"If you do nothing unexpected, nothing unexpected happens."

"Reach for the sky, set goals, live life to fullest and always remember to wake up each day with a smile." Brandy miller

I can suggest you couple of place if you want to read more cute life quotes. You can find them in books. If you are an avid reader, that won’t be big problem for you. And if reading is not your cup of tea, you can get them in news paper. All leading newspapers publish quote of the day on front page at the top right side. Furthermore, you can find loads of life quotations on internet.

I hope you’ve enjoyed these quotes. Now, I would like to invite you to my website at Cute Quotes about Life and Best Life Quotes.

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Happy Wheels
Happy Wheels · 7 years ago
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