Author's articles

3 Common Objectives of Most Popular Blogs
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Most popular blogs recognize that their success is dependent upon maintaining reader satisfaction therefore content development is a priority! Along these lines the blog writer must also appreciate the need for creating a sense of ...
Building Blog Traffic Starts With Your Content
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Building blog traffic begins with posting reading material on your platform that sites visitors find worthy of their time to view. Remember your blogging platform must hold and maintain an attraction for people otherwise they ...
Getting Maximum Results When Marketing With Content
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Marketing with content online involves much time doing research in order to develop useful information for people to read. Although this particular internet marketing strategy can be very effective it is also easy to 'cut ...
Composing Effective Sales Letters in 5 Steps
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Composing sales letters can legitimately be viewed as much a logical process as it is a skill or art form. The objective of any advertising copy is ultimately to persuade readers to take a specific ...
Blogs Vs. Email As Online Marketing Strategies
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
There are numerous online marketing strategies in use today and while some may be gone tomorrow there are others that will endure. The most effective strategies however will be those that focus on building relationships. ...
3 Content Development Strategies for Bloggers
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Having a content development strategy is an important and strategic plan for just about anybody who works online. This is particularly true for people who plan to maintain a blogging platform due to the frequency ...
Simplifying Online Brand Building
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Brand building is essential for anyone wanting to build a business online being it will make you more competitive. With that being said it is important to realize building a brand online is not difficult ...
3 Viral Ways to Advertise Online
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
There are many ways to advertise a business on the internet but the most efficient strategy is to use a viral campaign to deliver your marketing message! Viral marketing has a long history of acceptance ...
Your Blog Content - Keeping It Fresh
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Maintaining a fresh flow of blog content may be the single biggest challenge facing anybody trying to maintain a blogging platform! The initial stages are fueled by enthusiasm, energy and a seemingly endless stream of ...
Focusing Your Viral Marketing Efforts
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Viral marketing is one of the most effective marketing strategies you can use on the internet that allows you to harness the efforts of others. There are however ways in which you can increase your ...
Work Smarter Not Harder – Build a List
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Taking the time to build a list is well worth the effort for anybody who works online since you are actually making more efficient use of your time. On the surface to many it would ...
3 Myths of Niche Marketing
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Niche marketing is most noted for allowing you to 'fly below the radar' in terms of the competition online you may face. In most cases the target market you select to work is generally much ...
Marketing With Content – 3 Great Sources
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Marketing with content is one of the most effective internet marketing strategies you can use since it helps build trust and credibility. The need will exist however to continually find content you can further develop ...
It's Never Too Late For Building a Brand
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Although building a brand is something that should be started as soon as possible for anyone who works online it is never too late to do so! Ideally, as most profitable businesses will tell you, ...
3 Steps to Developing Online Brand Recognition
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Having some sort of brand recognition as a marketer helps to make you more distinguishable from the competition online. When building a business on the internet it is advisable to do what you can to ...
Maintaining Niche Relevancy When Building a List
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Building a list offers great advantages to anybody who works online because it can help you build a profitable business quickly. To get the best results when you build a list however you must be ...
3 Keys to Niche Marketing Success
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Niche marketing is a very effective way to avoid heavy competition while still allowing for you to build a profitable business. The key to becoming successful is to find a niche with a good demand ...
Creating Attention Getting Content Online
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Circulating attention getting content online is the whole point behind writing content in the first place. What the heck is the point of investing the effort if nobody notices or reads anything you publish online? ...
3 Reasons to Write Content for Other Blogs
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
As hard press for time and ideas you may be to write content for your own blog why in the world would you want to do so for other blogging sites? Anybody who operates their ...
Taking Action With an Online Business
By Tj Philpott · 13 years ago
Taking action is something that clearly needs to be done to make any internet marketing business successful. Many people just starting out however often find themselves unable to take action due to in most cases ...